Infrared Scanning
SoftAge offers a comprehensive Scanning Service which encompasses all major formats such as TIFF, PDF, PDF searchable and OCR to Word format. The initial stage comprises of preparing files for scanning and unitization by removal of unwanted materials such as staples, pins etc to ensure that every image/document is processed correctly and accurately. Scanning of documents is carried out on one of the high-speed scanners using the latest technology which ensures best possible image capturing facilities. Image enhancements such as cropping, deskew and despeckle are done to further ensure the best possible scan result.
Files are converted into the required file format and processed to achieve the highest quality, accuracy, and validation. Scanned images are then systematically tagged so they can be easily searched and retrieved in a timely manner. After this, all scanned images are transferred to the suitable storage medium such as DVD, hard disk, or uploading to FTP servers for immediate access. Quality check & review for each functional area is conducted to ensure that all project requirements are met and that no variation is introduced to the process.